Fitness Club

Tracy Westman

Fitness Club is a chance for students to be active and have fun! It runs twice a year, in the fall and spring, for 5 weeks each session. Fitness Club is held once a week after school from 2:15-3:15 p.m. and is for students in grades 1-4. 

It is a PTA-supported activity and there is no cost. Donations of snacks for the group are much appreciated!
We also participate as a group in races such as the Medtronic Twin Cities Marathon mile. We take a bus as a group and it is great family fun! The races are completely optional.
You can register for Fall Fitness Club at the fall Back to School night, or after school starts by picking up a permission form in the office. Spring Fitness Club registration is announced in class by Mrs. Westman and students can pick up a registration form in the office at that time.